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Lappeenrannan teknillinen korkeakoulu Finland LGO
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences Finland LGO
Oulun ammattikorkeakoulu Finland LGO
Tampere University Finland LGO
Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu Finland LGO
Tampere University of Applied Sciences Finland LGO
Turku University of Applied Sciences Finland LGO
University of Helsinki Finland LGO
Aalto University Finland LGO
University of Lapland Finland LGO
University of Turku Finland LGO
FC Lahti today Forever FIN
Seinajoen Jalkapallokerho today Forever FIN
SJK Akatemia today Forever FIN
Vaasan Palloseura today Forever FIN
FC Inter Turku today Forever FIN
IF Gnistan today Forever FIN
Helsingin Jalkapalloklubi today Forever FIN
Jarvenpaan Palloseura today Forever FIN
Mikkelin Palloilijat today Forever FIN
Salon Palloilijat today Forever FIN
Ekenas IF today Forever FIN
AC Oulu today Forever FIN
FF Jaro today Forever FIN